Hi, my name is Jackie

I'm a junior at New York University studying computer science and mathematics.
I love coding, space, and anything related to science and technology.
This is my resume. Check out my personal blog where I post interesting space trivia!


New York University 2016-2021
GPA: 3.63/4.0
Major: Computer Science / Mathematics
Medical Dialogue Review(Writer/Designer) and Tech@NYU(Member)







NASA - Kennedy Space Center
Florida | Jan. 2020 - Current
Software Engineer Intern
NASA - Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX | Aug. 2018 - Aug. 2019
Data Science / Software Engineer Intern
NOVO Consulting, LLC
New York, NY | June 2018- Aug. 2018
Software Engineer Intern
NYU Office of Residential Life & Housing Services
New York, NY | Jan. 2018 - Current
Software Engineer, Intern
Severance Hospital of Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea | June 2017- Aug. 2017
IT Specialist, Intern
Institute of Asian Culture and Development
Princeton, NJ | July 2015 - Sept. 2016
Web Developer/Partner


Personal projects that were done outside of class to practice and test my abilities while learning new skills.

Today's (Personal)

Web application built with HTML, CSS, and jQuery
Features local date, time, weather, and a responsive to-do list.

3D Solar System Model (Personal)

Built with Processing.
3D model of the solar system depicting each planet's orbit around the Sun.

RGB Color Game (Personal)

Built with HTML/JavaScript/CSS.
Simple RGB-to-color matching game.

NASA Wiki Graph Visualization (Internship)

Built with JavaScript/d3.js/PHP/Python.
Interactive, graph visualization of NASA's Wikis.

Get in touch